PDC Donation Request Form
Pepin Distributing Company has been an avid community supporter over the past several decades and we continue to do our best to assist every charitable cause we can.ย Our focus pillars are Food Insecurity, Military, First Responders, Responsible Drinking and Education Workforce Development.ย Decisions made for these contributions come from our Charitable Contributions Board which is comprised of our senior leadership.ย We try our best to meet once a month to review all submissions.ย However, it can be difficult due to scheduling.ย All submissions will receive an e-mailed response on whether Pepin Distributing Company can or cannot contribute.ย As you can imagine, we get many submissions.ย We will attempt to respond within 8 weeks.
*State law does govern our donations process and we accept all submissions within our pillars for consideration.ย Please note that not all submissions are fulfilled.ย An array of factors go into each decision made.ย We appreciate organizations who contact us to support their cause.ย If you are a Pepin Distributing Company retailer, please read below:ย 61A-1.010 Tied House Evil Prohibition Against Vendor Assistance. (1) Industry members are prohibited from furnishing, supplying, giving, renting, or lending, to a vendor, any equipment, fixtures, furniture, furnishings, signs, supplies, credit, money, compensation, rebates, accumulated rebates, fees of any kind including slotting fees, services, property, or other thing of value of any description not included in the exceptions specified in Chapter 61A-1, F.A.C., or specifically authorized by Florida Statutes, to vendors or their employees or agents acting within their scope of employment. In addition, vendors and their employees or agents acting within the scope of employment are prohibited from accepting such forms of assistance. This prohibition against assisting any vendor includes engaging in cooperative advertising โ participating in or paying for any advertising in cooperation with a vendor.
Basically, we can only donate to charitable organizations.
Important Note: Our sponsorships are limited to only Hillsborough and East Pasco counties in Tampa Bay, Florida.