Responsible Retailing Resources by Anheuser-Busch


Responsible Retailing is in everyone’s best interest. Anheuser-Busch can help support your efforts to sell alcohol responsibly by providing the following resources. For more information, please contact

Download the PDF version of the full responsibility sheet

Communicate your commitment and provide tools to help your staff enforce the legal alcohol purchase age with Budweiser We I.D. Drivers License, guides, cooler clings, push/pull stickers, server buttons, legal-age clock/calendars, shelf strips, backroom poster, and cashier card.

we id

Encourage consumers to be or use a designated driver with Budweiser Designate a Driver materials.


Make responsible drinking part of your in-store marketing to legal drinking age adults with the Bud Light Party Code.


Provide responsible alcohol service training to employees from TIPS, or Rserving to help prevent underage drinking, intoxication, and drunk-driving.

The Responsible Retailing Forum recognizes these resources as effective tools to help prevent underage sales, over service and
drunk-driving. For more details on Responsible Retailing Best Practices, visit:


Encourage consumers to be or use a designated driver with Budweiser Designate a Driver materials.


Provide tools to help your staff enforce the legal alcohol purchase age with Budweiser We I.D. Drivers License Guides and remind them of this date daily with Budweiser We I.D. legal-age clock/calendars, backroom posters, and cashier cards.


Help suggest alternative transportation for customers who have become impaired using Bud Light Alert Cab and the Bud Light Taxi App.


Provide responsible alcohol service training to employees from TIPS, or Rserving to help prevent underage drinking, intoxication, and drunk-driving.

The Responsible Retailing Forum recognizes these resources as effective tools to help prevent underage sales, over service and drunk-driving. For more details on Responsible Retailing Best Practices, visit: